With Custody, Your Child Comes First
One of the most contentious, difficult moments in any divorce is when you and your child’s other parent sit down to discuss parenting your children, and understandably so. Your children benefit the most from a balanced, stable and loving adult presence, and your custody and support orders should be designed to provide them with that by setting proper expectations and reducing opportunities for conflict.
No matter how many disagreements you and your child’s other parent may have, the ultimate reality is that you are always your child’s parent, regardless of the status of the relationship between you. I’m Jaime A. Cheret, Esquire, and I work to keep the focus where it should be: on creating a cooperative environment to co-parent your child. Receive the benefit of a balanced approach and more than a decade of experience from my office in Catonsville. Make an appointment to meet with me via my online contact form.
Co Parenting Can Be Challenging
Negotiating your custodial arrangements may take only a few months, but for most parents, once the case is complete, the real challenge is the many years of co-parenting ahead.
The goal should be a cooperative, conflict-free process where your child knows they are loved by each parent. If your child or children are young, this process will last more than a decade. I use my experience as an attorney to look beyond stressors like divorce and to help you achieve your goals for your custody agreement and parenting plan.
Creating The Custody Agreement You Need
When we meet, I will review with you in-depth:
- The difference between legal and physical custody
- How to design a parenting plan that works for your family’s schedule
- What you can do to create a plan that is both comprehensive and flexible
- How courts determine child support using Maryland guidelines and how to obtain an optimal agreement for your circumstances
Maryland family courts use the child’s best interests as the standard to judge any agreement. I can help to develop clear rationales that support your perspectives for your child and their best interests. When you work with me, you truly work with me, I learn the details of your case and your family and help you achieve your goals in a responsive and efficient manner.
Contact Me For Help
Parenting is hard no matter the circumstance, but you can take away some of the conflict and chaos by taking appropriate legal steps. Speak with me about your parental rights and managing your legal needs: 410-394-9126 or fill out my online contact form.